The founder was taking his afternoon nap and so I waited awhile. Managed to get an audience with him later on. I then presented Bro Lawrence with certain gifts before he told me the story of La Salle PJ and the days when he was in Changi Prison during WW2.
In his room, was a new tv set. He received it one day and told me that he would like to thank the chaps who presented it to him. However, Bro. Lawrence only had their names (Michael Leong, Peter Leong and David Leong) So I suggested that he wrote a note and I'd try my best to see it through.
Below is the "Thank you" note written by Rev. Bro. Lawrence himself and a short video of him showing me his 64 year old book from Changi Prison.
"Prison Cookhouse"
Bro. Lawrence's Scratch book in Changi Prison 1945-1946
"To The Leong Brothers- Thank you for the giftof a TV. It is a precious Treasure.
Bro Lawrence "
Thats really nice of them. Sorry dont know their whereabouts or contact numbers.
Their sisters Christine & Anne Leong both work for MIMB Securities @ Wisma EON Bank, No. 288, Jalan Raja Laut on the 18th floor.
I have Peter's handphone but not at liberty to post it on the Internet...... sorry.
wow!! maybe you should give Peter a call.. tell him to visit this blog. and say somethin so we all know he got the message. ?
Yeah just get your friend Peter to acknowledge the note.
Just saw all 3 of them yesterday, Forwarded the note.
Fulamak.. that was quick! haha
nowadays... the world is getting smaller.. but more difficult to breath too. haha :)
Bravo !! well done. Hope Bro. Lawrence is in good health!
Read this:
Rather interesting. I think that person mentioned our interact club.
HAhaha read it!! very interesting and true. blogger should blog about it here!!
lspj, link the blog, seems interesting
Thank you for passing the word to the Leong brothers. Bro. Lawrence really appreciates it very much.
As for the blog (Malaysian Student Blog), its kinda fresh..
And the blogger if Im not wrong; is a Lasallian :)
Keep it up dude!!
You can always email me.
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